Monday, July 1, 2013

Girls Day Out and the Eye Doctor

Today was the dreaded eye doctor visit.  Daniela was anxious (although she swore to us that she was not nervous) as she is self-conscious about the near total loss of sight in one eye due to an accident.  She was a real trooper and got through it without a hitch.  The doctor, on the other hand, was more concerned about covering his butt for liability purposes (as he could not get a read on her bad eye) than he was in taking care of his patient.  We rescheduled the appointment and will have it set up to have the interpreter (not the google translator app) do the talking.

Afterwards, Eileen and Daniela  got a manicure and pedicure.  She really enjoyed the chairs - they had a massage feature!! Very nice!!!!  Daniela was still shy about pictures where she is the subject but she'll warm up to it.  Very nice to see the two ladies bonding. 

Later, they went on a shopping trip to the grocery store.  Daniela got to pick out foods she wanted (chicken nuggets and tomato juice) and saw the pizza you can make at home at the store.  Excitedly she asked if we can make Hawaiian pizza with the pizza dough shell and, of course, we were happy to oblige her!!

Daniela started her English lessons today and stated emphatically "English does not make sense; I will not attempt it."  However, Eileen managed to get her to say her first English word "tomato" by telling her that if we require Peter to give the sign for pizza she had to say the word for tomato juice. Brilliant.  She later said "water" and "Peter"!!!

More adventures tomorrow.

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