It has been a day of surprises and more
surprises. What has happened earlier in the hosting process as been
this: D has a good day followed immediately by a terrible day. It
was as if she could not allow herself the joy of having too much fun.
Pure supposition on our part but perhaps she did not deem herself
worthy of joy; perhaps she did not want to suffer disappointment when
the joy and happiness would inevitably end. Maybe she just wasn't
comfortable yet with letting her true self break out of her shell of
At any rate, that pattern has changed
during the past three days. She has had multiple days in a row that
have been significantly more joyous than the past. That is not to
say that she has not been frustrated and shuts down for a little
while. We have noticed that she is very self-reliant; she does not
easily accept help from others or suggestions from others. She has
to get there herself. Case in point – lunch today. The translator
program was not responding very well and she became frustrated during
the ordering process. As a result she pulled her typical move and
dismissed the idea of having anything for lunch. We ordered her a
ham and cheese sandwich with bacon and avocado. She made an ugly
face at first and we suggested that she remove the undesirable parts
of the sandwich to suit her taste. After she ate all the chips
hunger won out – she removed the lettuce, bacon and avocado and ate
the rest of the sandwich.
(Eileen chimes in) Phil has been
talking about joy we have seen in D for the past two days. It's
actually interesting that the mimosa tree that overhangs on our deck
here on Chincoteague Island is filled with hummingbirds sipping the
nectar from the flowers. In Native America lore the hummingbird
medicine is JOY. These tiny birds remind me so much of our D. She
hovers close to get a look and then she is off. She is physically
tiny, but with a strong determination of character. Hummingbirds I
have no doubt have surrounded her this week. They have flown into her
life sent as totem from her Great Spirit to remind her of the
capacity of joy she has in her soul.
So we go off to the store...big store
(I make big store charade) or little store. Big store. So off the
island we go. Please understand, this is rural Virginia, the closest
thing to a mall is the Walmart 20 miles away as well as a small
department store called Peebles, which I have never been in. Also I
am hoping she doesn't get scared by big people in Walmart. No offense
to any rural VA folks! Peebles turns out to be a mini department
store. Plus sizes, junior sizes, shoes etc. OK, this can work. We
start looking and I am careful to only suggest giant granny panties
and bras that could double as a football helmet. Anything that she
looks remotely interested in I gaze away in disinterest while
silently hoping “oh please, oh please, buy something”! She picks
out a very cute dress! She tries it's a yes!!! I run to the
counter to spend more than I would normally but am just so thrilled
she is accepting anything from me.
A few more stops - Walmart is very
scary for me so we just buy apple juice, crackers, bananas and
twizzlers. Head back to the island, after crossing the causeway she
gestures our sign for a small store. Mmmmm. Off to a sweet little
shop where my friend Connie works and has amazing fashion sense.
Another success! She selects a white sweater that sort of is a cape
and sweater in one...looks beautiful! A few more items, she is
beaming with joy! Arrive home and she write me a note in English,
from her Latvian/English dictionary. “I would like to try lobster
or crab”.... I have no words. After much haranguing and rolling
of eyes over my trying to translate the process of purchasing lobster,
she cuts to the chase and chooses to have Phil and Peter go in search
of said items.
(Phil is back). Not only does she want
us to go get the lobster but she seems to indicate that it should be
us three that goes. At first, I didn't really understand that she
wanted to join Pete and I but she repeated the gesture that the three
of us should go on the lobster quest. So, this is rather unusual
that she requests to be with me but I jump up and head to the car. I
dare not let this opportunity pass. Off we go to the seafood vendor
and sure enough they have lobsters!! D and Pete wait in the car
while I pick out the lobsters and grab some shrimp. I didn't even
make it into the car with the lobsters before D started shrieking and
screaming. I took full advantage of this and took one of the
lobsters out of the bag so she could get a good long look at it. Oh
my God!!! Her screams almost shattered my eardrums. I had an
ear-to-ear grin!
I am trying not to spend any effort in
figuring this out. Mostly because I know that it has nothing really
to do with anything I have done. All we have done for Daniela is
give her the room to breath, get acclimated, trust us, set firm
boundaries and love her. Today she checked in with her chaperone.
In the past there has been a serious or sullen tone in her voice when
doing this. Not today; today there was an abundance of animated,
joyous tones, twinkling eyes, smiles and many “labi” throughout
the phone call (“labi” means “good” in Latvian). She is
relaxed and enjoying herself. She has surrendered to being herself
while in the midst of this crazy, unconventional family and in the
process has become a part of this family … forever.
Greetings. We share several connections: our Lord, the Almanzars, and hosting. We are Facebook friends with them and noticed your name and recalled it from following New Horizons posts. We hosted Nikita from Latvia this summer. I enjoyed scanning your blog and was reminded of our hosting journey. We killed the English lessons earlier on as well. Being a Mainer, I loved the lobster story. Anyway, enjoy the ministry of Jonathan and Shannon, they certainly are some of God's choice servants.
ReplyDeleteRichard Crocker
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Thanks so much for taking the time to share in our journey Richard. The Almanzars are heading east to lead our church here in PA - Hopesprings Community of Faith. We really like their genuineness and passion. Funny how God works bridging the gap between NHFC and you and us and the Almanzars. Blessings. Phil Gentile