Monday, June 24, 2013

72 Hours!!!!

Words cannot begin to express how excited we are!  We are down to counting the hours .... yes, hours .... until Daniela is physically with us.  I know it sounds crazy to most people but for us it feels like Daniela has been with us on this journey from the beginning.  And it hasn't just been us on this journey!  Every one of our friends and family have been with us on this journey, too!  We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends at work, in our neighborhood, at our church and across the country!  They have made this part of the adventure so filled with love for Daniela it humbles us.

I don't really know if we will ever really grasp the immense love and grace of God in this mission of love for Daniela.  Perhaps we aren't meant to understand it, just feel it and share it with others - love God, love others, serve the world.  When I can pause and take a step back, I can see all the pieces falling into place all along the way to make this dream of ours a reality. 

Eileen and I had this calling to help orphans when we were introduced to Nelya two years ago.  We met this lovely young woman through a friend who was hosting Nelya.  We bonded with this girl and that relationship changed Nelya and it changed us ... forever!  Jesus promises us "I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you." John 14:18.  Eileen and I cling to that promise and hold God to it!

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